Hair sticks also form a part of bridal hair accessories. These are particularly used to secure hair that is styled in a bun or updo. Decorative hair sticks are used to hold the hair in place. These are also available in various shapes and styles as well.
Bridal hair accessories also include hair picks. These are tiny jewels that can be worn in the hair either in a particular pattern or they can also be scattered throughout the hair.
Bridal hair slides that are bedecked in pearls and stones are also great to keep your hair in place. These are actually simple hair clips that are modified to look ultra glam.
Shells; particularly the mother of pearl, acts as a great bridal hair accessory as well. These can be used after drilling a small hole in it, which would make it relatively easier to use.
Ribbons and lace can also be used to create an innovative look for the wedding hairstyle. These can be interwoven into the hair. Ribbons can also be used to create pretty bows where as lace can be tied up into small bunches and hair can be wrapped around it.
The amount of bridal accessories you can encounter at any outlet may be innumerable. The trick lies in finding the right one to suit your hairstyle in the best manner possible.