Beautiful Bridal Hair
8:11 PM | Author: floristmontreal

  • Don't choose a hairstyle that makes you feel not yourself. Brides often get pressured into certain styles because of "tradition". If a particular style makes you feel uneasy, don't choose it. It does not matter that your mother, best friend or hairstylist like it - what really matters is YOU.
  • Before going to the stylist, try to develop a good idea of what type of hairstyle you would like. Cut out the pictures of your favorite hairstyles from magazines and bring them to the stylist. If you can't find any pictures, be prepared to describe exactly what you want.
  • Try out the hairstyle in advance, before your wedding day. Schedule the "practice run" with your stylist. If the hairstyle that you envisioned does not look as good on you as you had hoped, you'll be glad you found that out before the big day!
  • Walk around with this hairstyle for several hours to make sure it's comfortable. The last thing you would want is to have hair pins hurting you and ruining your fun.
  • At the "practice run", bring a Polaroid or digital camera to take instant pictures. Ask the stylist to take pictures from the back and other angles. The pictures will give you a better idea how the style would look to others (as opposed to just looking in the mirror).
  • Make sure your hair style does not get completely messed up several hours later. Try moving around and see if the hair stays put. You would not want a hair disaster during the first dance!
  • Your hair style should go well with your wedding dress and headpiece. Classic dresses go best with classic hairstyles. Non-traditional dresses might look odd with the formal updos. Buy the dress before you select a hairstyle. Bring your headpiece and the picture of your dress to the stylist, so the stylist can evaluate whether it's a good match.
  • Don't have any coloring or chemical treatments done right before the wedding - these can go wrong, and there won't be time to fix them! Do them several weeks in advance.
  • Don't make drastic changes. Your wedding day is not the time to color your hair in a completely different color or cut off long locks. After all, you would still want people to recognize you at your own wedding!
  • Be aware that updos will make you look taller. Depending on your situation, it might work for you or against you. If you are already taller than the groom or are the same height, don't do an updo. If you are short, use the updo to your advantage.
  • Don't make your hairstyle too flamboyant - it should not compete with your face and your dress. You would want to avoid the situation where your hair is the only thing that jumps out at people when they look at you.
Makeup Rules
8:30 AM | Author: floristmontreal

Have a portfolio or picture selection available for brides-to-be to view along with the bridal makeup used. Often, it is difficult for a bride to express into words the look she is going for. Photographs can help you communicate.

Set up consultation. This should be done a few weeks ahead of time. During the consultation, note the time of day the wedding will take place, flowers, dress style and color, hair color, bridal hair style, eye color, time of year, and personality. If possible, communicate with the stylist to discuss the hair style.

It may also be a good idea to ask to see some of the makeup products that the bride is already using. This will give you a good insight as to what the bride is accustomed to wearing.

Discuss different bridal hair and makeup trends. Allow the bride to get a visual by seeing the photos. Then follow by setting up a second appointment.

It is at the second meeting that you can unveil your plans for makeup. Demonstrate your selection for the bride-to-be. Demonstrate more than one bridal makeup style and photograph the results.
Bridal Hair and Makeup
8:35 PM | Author: floristmontreal

A wedding day is most likely to be one of the most treasured days in a bride’s life. With brides such as Cinderella and Snow White as role models, it is of no surprise that expectations are at their highest.

Therefore, brides expect to look and feel their best. It is what a bride deserves. That is where a makeup artist can enter with the wand and add to the dazzle and elegance of the wedding day.

Bridal hair and makeup should be simple, yet elegant. It is important t remember that the hair and makeup should not compete with the bride’s dress; rather the hair and makeup should complement the dress.

Equally important, is knowing the expectations of the bride. The makeup artist should note that the bride will want to feel comfortable, not confined by her bridal hair and makeup. Being comfortable may also mean keeping the makeup simple, not vibrant.

This may not be the day to experiment with a new style. The bride does not want to feel self-conscious of her new look. She will want everyone to notice her beauty today and for years that follow in photographs.

Today’s bridal makeup and hair is soft and subtle. The effect is sexier, less harsh. Hair can be worn down, flowing with loose curls and waves. The updo that once dominated the bridal hair scene has a much softer look as well.

Today’s updo style is not sprayed, pinned, and tucked to hide every loose hair. The look is pinned and tousled, leaving it soft and stylish. The bridal hair is romantic.

Bridal makeup trends are soft and romantic to complement the hair and latest trends in bridal gowns and bridal hair. No longer do the lips have to be lined heavily and matte foundation with loose powder applied. While this is traditional, today’s bridal makeup is more radiant and natural. Today’s brides want to glow with elegance.

There are some bridal hair and makeup rules and tips that the makeup artist can follow to ensure the wedding day will be a beautiful success.