Wedding ring set styles
To decide on the style first think if you are going to wear your ring set every day. If so, it should not only be beautiful but practical. The style should be elegant enough to go with most of your cloth.
What wedding ring set styles are available to you? Most popular is a set that consists of a classical ring with a single diamond and a ring with channel set diamonds. But there are other possibilities. If you like something more elaborate think of engraved style or a beaded edge style. There are also vintage wedding ring sets and Celtic style bands.
The best way to find a style you like is to visit a big online wedding ring shop. Don’t mind the prices for now, just look at different ring set styles they offer and see what you like the most.
Choosing the right metal for your ring
After deciding on the style, you will have to make up your mind about the material for your ring set. Here you have a choice of gold, white or yellow, platinum and titanium. But even before you go for a particular material asks yourself do you want a yellow wedding ring set or a white set?
If you want yellow, than your only choice is traditional gold. White wedding rings are becoming more popular in recent years, because they look more modern and easier to match with any cloth. Think of the other jewelry you own and wear often, will white or gold go with most of it?
Also think of how much you can afford to spend on your ring set. Most expensive is not necessarily the best. If you go for a cheaper metal, you can have a set with bigger, better quality diamond.
Gold wedding ring sets
Yellow gold wedding ring set is the easiest to find. Yellow is traditional and also it has that warm feeling that is associated with marriage. When looking for traditional gold sets most people think that more carats (more pure the gold) the better. This is not always true.
Gold is a very soft metal, and 24 carats gold ring can get scratches easily. For the purpose of durability 14 carats gold ring sets are the most popular, but if you want more pure gold, 19 carat is a good balance between purity and durability of your ring.
Platinum wedding rings and ring sets
Platinum is an excellent material if you can afford it. Platinum rings have a whiny white look and last forever without a single scratch. Platinum doesn’t come in carats because the metal used in jewelry is pure and not mixed with any other metals.
Titanium ring sets
Titanium ring set is another option. Titanium doesn’t shine as much as platinum or white gold, but it has a stylish modern look, it is very durable and not as expensive as platinum. Titanium wedding ring sets are not as widely available as ones from other metals, so you will have to do a special search online for them.
If you decide on the style, price range and material for your wedding ring set in advance, it will be much easier to find a perfect set. You can look at different jewelry stores and department stores.
Actually department stores often have wedding ring sets on sale, so you can get a good deal. If you don’t find anything suitable locally, search for your ring set online. There a hundreds of jewelry shops online, they offer great selection or rings and the prices are usually better than in traditional shops.
Picking out the man's wedding ring can sometimes be more difficult then picking out the woman's ring. Let's face it; it is just not "manly" for a man to wear jewelry. So how in the world are you supposed to pick out a man's wedding ring? Here are some questions to ask yourself when choosing your man's wedding ring.
1) What is the Price?
Men do not like to spend money on jewelry. Money can be spent on a tool set or a big screen television perhaps, but not on a man's wedding ring. Most men are not going to be impressed if you spent a lot of money on a man's ring. They would much rather hear that you got a killer deal on it. Definitely do not feel obligated to spend a lot of money on your man's wedding ring. Anything that does not turn his finger green will probably work just fine.
2) What Size?
How large does you man want his wedding ring? The width of the wedding band is something you should think about. Some men like just thin bands while others like very thick wedding bands. This is something that you need to consider when picking out your man's wedding ring.
3) What is His Style?
What does your husband-to-be like? Is he more of a traditional person or does he like things that are new and unique. This is usually a good indicator of what he wants in a wedding ring. Some men are completely satisfied with the standard gold wedding band; however, others like to find what is new in the market such as a tungsten ring (with a tungsten ring, your husband can basically put his finger through a meat grinder and their ring will survive without a scratch). A man's wedding ring should reflect his personality.
4) Is There a Way to make it Meaningful?
It is always nice to make the wedding ring meaningful. For example, you can pick the style of his father's or your father's wedding. Possibly there is a family heirloom that can be passed on to him or maybe there is something that you can engrave onto his ring. If possible, try to give significance to the man's wedding ring.
5) Should it match my Wedding Band?
In most cases, the man's wedding ring matches the woman's wedding band, but this is not always the case. If you are not sure what to get, it is always safe to get matching wedding bands but make sure to talk to him about it, he could possible have something else in mind.
6) Does he want to be Part of the Process?
This is probably the most important question. Maybe he knows exactly what he wants for his wedding ring and you are worrying about picking one out for him for no reason. It is traditional for the man and the woman to select their wedding bands together. While he may be completely disinterested, let him have the chance to be a part of the decision. This ring will be on his finger for quite some time, so he should get a say in the matter.
Don't let picking out your man's wedding ring become too difficult of a task. Just remember to pick something that fits him and his personality and make sure to invite him to be a part of the process. When picking out your man's wedding ring, it is time to think about what he likes (since he is the one wearing it) instead of what you want for him. Make him happy. The bottom line here is to know your man.
Hair sticks also form a part of bridal hair accessories. These are particularly used to secure hair that is styled in a bun or updo. Decorative hair sticks are used to hold the hair in place. These are also available in various shapes and styles as well.
Bridal hair accessories also include hair picks. These are tiny jewels that can be worn in the hair either in a particular pattern or they can also be scattered throughout the hair.
Bridal hair slides that are bedecked in pearls and stones are also great to keep your hair in place. These are actually simple hair clips that are modified to look ultra glam.
Shells; particularly the mother of pearl, acts as a great bridal hair accessory as well. These can be used after drilling a small hole in it, which would make it relatively easier to use.
Ribbons and lace can also be used to create an innovative look for the wedding hairstyle. These can be interwoven into the hair. Ribbons can also be used to create pretty bows where as lace can be tied up into small bunches and hair can be wrapped around it.
The amount of bridal accessories you can encounter at any outlet may be innumerable. The trick lies in finding the right one to suit your hairstyle in the best manner possible.
- Don't choose a hairstyle that makes you feel not yourself. Brides often get pressured into certain styles because of "tradition". If a particular style makes you feel uneasy, don't choose it. It does not matter that your mother, best friend or hairstylist like it - what really matters is YOU.
- Before going to the stylist, try to develop a good idea of what type of hairstyle you would like. Cut out the pictures of your favorite hairstyles from magazines and bring them to the stylist. If you can't find any pictures, be prepared to describe exactly what you want.
- Try out the hairstyle in advance, before your wedding day. Schedule the "practice run" with your stylist. If the hairstyle that you envisioned does not look as good on you as you had hoped, you'll be glad you found that out before the big day!
- Walk around with this hairstyle for several hours to make sure it's comfortable. The last thing you would want is to have hair pins hurting you and ruining your fun.
- At the "practice run", bring a Polaroid or digital camera to take instant pictures. Ask the stylist to take pictures from the back and other angles. The pictures will give you a better idea how the style would look to others (as opposed to just looking in the mirror).
- Make sure your hair style does not get completely messed up several hours later. Try moving around and see if the hair stays put. You would not want a hair disaster during the first dance!
- Your hair style should go well with your wedding dress and headpiece. Classic dresses go best with classic hairstyles. Non-traditional dresses might look odd with the formal updos. Buy the dress before you select a hairstyle. Bring your headpiece and the picture of your dress to the stylist, so the stylist can evaluate whether it's a good match.
- Don't have any coloring or chemical treatments done right before the wedding - these can go wrong, and there won't be time to fix them! Do them several weeks in advance.
- Don't make drastic changes. Your wedding day is not the time to color your hair in a completely different color or cut off long locks. After all, you would still want people to recognize you at your own wedding!
- Be aware that updos will make you look taller. Depending on your situation, it might work for you or against you. If you are already taller than the groom or are the same height, don't do an updo. If you are short, use the updo to your advantage.
- Don't make your hairstyle too flamboyant - it should not compete with your face and your dress. You would want to avoid the situation where your hair is the only thing that jumps out at people when they look at you.
Have a portfolio or picture selection available for brides-to-be to view along with the bridal makeup used. Often, it is difficult for a bride to express into words the look she is going for. Photographs can help you communicate.
Set up consultation. This should be done a few weeks ahead of time. During the consultation, note the time of day the wedding will take place, flowers, dress style and color, hair color, bridal hair style, eye color, time of year, and personality. If possible, communicate with the stylist to discuss the hair style.
It may also be a good idea to ask to see some of the makeup products that the bride is already using. This will give you a good insight as to what the bride is accustomed to wearing.
Discuss different bridal hair and makeup trends. Allow the bride to get a visual by seeing the photos. Then follow by setting up a second appointment.
It is at the second meeting that you can unveil your plans for makeup. Demonstrate your selection for the bride-to-be. Demonstrate more than one bridal makeup style and photograph the results.
A wedding day is most likely to be one of the most treasured days in a bride’s life. With brides such as Cinderella and Snow White as role models, it is of no surprise that expectations are at their highest.
Therefore, brides expect to look and feel their best. It is what a bride deserves. That is where a makeup artist can enter with the wand and add to the dazzle and elegance of the wedding day.
Bridal hair and makeup should be simple, yet elegant. It is important t remember that the hair and makeup should not compete with the bride’s dress; rather the hair and makeup should complement the dress.
Equally important, is knowing the expectations of the bride. The makeup artist should note that the bride will want to feel comfortable, not confined by her bridal hair and makeup. Being comfortable may also mean keeping the makeup simple, not vibrant.
This may not be the day to experiment with a new style. The bride does not want to feel self-conscious of her new look. She will want everyone to notice her beauty today and for years that follow in photographs.
Today’s bridal makeup and hair is soft and subtle. The effect is sexier, less harsh. Hair can be worn down, flowing with loose curls and waves. The updo that once dominated the bridal hair scene has a much softer look as well.
Today’s updo style is not sprayed, pinned, and tucked to hide every loose hair. The look is pinned and tousled, leaving it soft and stylish. The bridal hair is romantic.
Bridal makeup trends are soft and romantic to complement the hair and latest trends in bridal gowns and bridal hair. No longer do the lips have to be lined heavily and matte foundation with loose powder applied. While this is traditional, today’s bridal makeup is more radiant and natural. Today’s brides want to glow with elegance.
There are some bridal hair and makeup rules and tips that the makeup artist can follow to ensure the wedding day will be a beautiful success.
Your wedding is the one time in your life when you want to look amazing. At your upcoming wedding ceremony and reception, you will be the center of attention, with all eyes on you as you make your way down the aisle toward your groom.
Obviously, you want to look your absolute best. Prior to your wedding reception and ceremony, you need to find time to relax, while doing something special for you. Here are a few tips that will help you look like a fairytale princess on your wedding day.
Facial Care
If you have ever given thought to treating yourself to a facial, now would be the ideal opportunity. In fact, if you want to spend some quality time with your maid of honor, the two of you could enjoy a trip to the day spa together, a perfect way for thanking her for all her hard work and support. In addition to looking great, a facial will help you relax.
Today, just about every city has a day spa where you can be pampered, even smaller towns. An excellent option is a steam facial, which benefits you by releasing toxins and trapped dirt within the skin’s pores.
Now, one important thing to consider is that a steam facial should be done between three and six weeks before the actual wedding day. The reason is that as the skin is cleaned, a breakout is possible.
Foot Care
In addition to walking down the aisle, chances are you will be standing for long periods of time while going through the wedding ceremony and reception.
Considering that you will be wearing new shoes, standing in front of your guests while exchanging wedding vows, and then waiting to greet each guest as he or she walks through the receiving line, you want your feet to be comfortable. Then of course, remember the dancing and walking you will be doing at the reception as well.
To pamper your feet, we recommend you start by getting a good pedicure several days before your nuptials. By doing this, your toenails will look fabulous, which is especially a good idea if you plan to wear open toe shoes.
In addition, you might want to consider visiting a reflexologist, which is a trained professional that uses a special form of Chinese wellness. With reflexology, pressure is applied to various points on the feet, which then benefits different parts of the body.
Body Massage
You definitely want to make time for several massages before the wedding ceremony. A full body massage is a great way to prepare for your wedding. Most importantly, you want to work with a qualified masseuse to help relieve stress, while making you feel like a brand new person. A massage the day before your wedding will relax both the body and mind, something you could do alone or with your maid of honor.
As a result, you will arrive at your wedding feeling refreshed and ready to face anything ahead of you. In fact, most brides agree that after a body massage, they feel confident and more in charge simply from being stress free.
In summary, it's important to make time for yourself before your wedding ceremony and reception. By following these simple bridal beauty tips, you will look and feel your best on the most important day of your life, your wedding day!
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wedding day,
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Occupational Hazard
Few things are more flattering than having your friends develop a party around your job. After all, you spend day in and day out there, and what you do is probably pretty important to you.
Is the bride a teacher? Hand out apple-shaped candles as favors ... and place them in brown paper lunchbags.
Give her a chalkboard eraser "to erase any grudges" after she's married: spray paint the top gold or silver, and have everyone sign it with a Sharpie. Sew or glue together a quick clip-on or bandana for her dog's collar that reads, "Teacher's Pet."
Is your bride an attorney? Hire a Judge Judy impersonator (yes, they exist!) to make a showing. Ask each guest to "submit a brief" -- a gift of lacey underwear for the honeymoon, accompanied by a personal note to wish the bride well.
More Ideas for Exciting Showers
Christmas in July: Place the bride's gifts under a big, frou frou artificial tree you've hung the guest favors on. Serve iced eggnog and mocha-cinnamon smoothies. Everyone loves Christmas ... especially when you've had a break from it, and don't have to agonize over what to buy the boss.
Dancing Queens: Dress up in big, pouffy prom dresses from the past (you'll find them at every thrift store), super-glam makeup, even tiaras. Lay on loads of body glitter. Head out en masse to your neighborhood restaurant or karaoke bar and toast the bride as she opens her gifts.
Cheesecake Party: Ask your guests who their favorite hunk is. Serve mini-cheesecakes in lots of different flavors (Baileys and orange, amaretto, chocolate fudge), and place a framed photo of their favorite "cheesecakes" next to each serving platter, with a special label: "Brad Pitt Blueberry," "Creme de Menthe Mel." Get inventive with the descriptions. Borrow or rent the biggest espresso machine you can find, and serve up steaming coffee drinks.
Whatever you end up going with, don't be afraid to be creative. The less you go by the book and the more you think about what makes the bride special, the more fun your shower will be for everyone.
boring bridal shower,
bridak shower,
bridal exciting showers,
Cheesecake Party,
Dancing Queens
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So you're planning a bridal shower -- and everyone says you need a theme. "Around the Clock." "Home and Garden." Yawn!
There aren't many times we get to be silly and girly in this world, so a bridal shower shouldn't be wasted. Make sure it's genuinely fun. It's simple --- just think about what makes your bride special, and let yourself loose with the theme. Here are a few ideas to charge up the noggin and organize something unique.
"Like High School — But Better."
Revive some great times by tipping your hat to the bride's high school days. Look up all those slightly embarrassing hits from the year she graduated -- let's say the 80s.
(Create a gift CD of same for all your guests -- they'll secretly savor them when no one else is around.) Yes, they still make banana clips! Pass them out, along with big, dangly inexpensive hoop earrings and loads of jelly bracelets (remember? You wear about a hundred on each arm, a la vintage Madonna).
Slather on the pink, blue and green eye shadow, metallic nail polish and bright blue mascara. Play the soundtracks from Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles.
Now for the games: segment a flashback classic, such as Madonna's "Holiday," into three or four CDs. Divide your guests into the same number of groups, and challenge them to come up with a dance routine to fit their part of the tune. Bring them back together in 10 or 15 minutes to perform their mini-masterpiece before a video camera you've set up for the occasion.
Tape everyone's routine in order. Give a prize to the best choreographers (actually, give a prize to everyone for being a good sport). Together, you've created a music video that no one could forget. With any luck, it'll mysteriously show up at the reception.
Wine and Chocolate
Sometimes, when you tour a bunch of vineyards in wine country and you're really lucky, you hit upon "wine and chocolate" day. But you don't have to wait to hit the jackpot -- you can organize your own.
Plan an easy afternoon of popular, easy-drinking wines like Merlot and champagne, and ask each guest to bring a creative form of chocolate. Some of our favorites: chocolate croissants, chocolate papaya crepes, chocolate-covered ginger, and yes, jalapeno brownies.
But don't stop with the food -- make an outright bordello of it. Pile lots of velveteen pillows around the room, drape the walls with heavy fabric, burn a bit of incense. Put on some soothing Moroccan music, and arrange a few flowers in plum colored pails or vases you've dressed up with groovy gold fringe.
Now pass out those beverages in pretty glass flutes, dropping a rose petal in each one. Then dig in! (Have doggie bags at the ready for blissed-out guests who want to enjoy the spoils later at home).
While the traditional wedding guestbook serves an important function, more and more couples -- and wedding planners -- are steering away from the time-tested in favor of something more personal.
That's especially true for brides and grooms having a relaxed second wedding, or those who simply enjoy a dynamic relationship and powerful personalities. Traditional guestbooks are great, but one-of-a-kind alternatives can be even better!
So, you’re sold -- you’ve decided to put together a more totally-you memento of your guests than that little quilted journal and feather pen. And yet, it’s a struggle to come up with the perfect idea. Never fear … with a little brainstorming, you’ll find yourself armed with several original choices.
While you ponder, ask yourself questions about what makes you stand out as a couple. What are your hobbies? Do you play any instruments? How do you like to spend your free time? What tantalizing spot did you pick for your honeymoon? Take mental note of your talents and passions … or prized possessions. Answering basic questions like these should help you develop a fresh and personal spin on the traditional guestbook.
Here are a few quick ideas to help you get started:
• Blessed with musical talent? If you play the guitar, keep an eye out for miniature or older, not-necessarily-playable guitars at music shops, thrift stores, and so on. Buy some Sharpies and clear acrylic spray, so the surface can be signed and sealed for years to come. You can make similar modifications to instruments like banjos, mandolins, violins. Actually, with a little creativity you could probably convert almost any instrument!
• Crazy for sports? If so, consider signing memorabilia or sporting goods equipment related to your favorite sports or teams. Hockey players are sure to appreciate a signed hockey stick they can mount in a shadow box or simply hang from a wall. If you’d like to play this down a bit, just frame a picture of yourselves dressed in your favorite team’s jerseys (or going to a sporting event) and leave plenty of ink-friendly matting around the frame.
• Love to travel? Look for artifacts or souvenirs that can be signed and framed or displayed after the ceremony. Fans of the Far East might enjoy a signed kimono. A safari jacket might be perfect for Africa aficionados. Most countries lend themselves to some type of apparel or indigenous piece of art that’s simple to convert into a customized guestbook alternative.
• It’s also worth mentioning that the number of couples going with a Signature Platter is on the rise. Why? Because not only is a signed platter a great way to remember your special day, it’s one of the few "guestbooks" that can actually become part of your daily routine.
These are hardly your only possibilities for novel alternatives to the traditional guestbook. With a little creativity, brainstorming and research, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a "guestbook" that’s as perfect for your wedding as you are for each other.